
wrap it up good

The great people from Frinton Press invited me to take part in their Wrapping Paper project.
16 artists were asked to submit a pattern design which was then hand screen printed and beautifully packed by Frinton Press.

Wrapping PaperPattern DesignWrapping Paper
Giving presents has never been more fun!
first two photos are by Thereza


Lolitas from New York

When I first saw Rita Ackermann's work I was totally blown away by the power of her drawings. With much trouble I've been trying follow her work but she is a very elusive artist. Which makes the few things I find all the more wonderful.

Psychic Hearts Cover

Rita Ackermann
Rita Ackermann Lolita

Rita Ackermann Lolitas


animals are fighting back

The Ark is a project initiated by the argentinian design studio DGPH.
Find out more about their project here

El Tejón
Each artist was asked submit his version of a local animal. I chose the badger. Have you ever noticed how much a badger's head resembles a wrestling mask? Which made me think that although we should protect animals maybe they are not as weak and helpless as we think.
El Tejón is a fierce creature ready to pounce on any opponent!

The Ark
If you would like to support the project get yourself a copy of The Ark here


cover your gadgets

now available from smirk about are two of of my designs as
a protective and decorative skin for your electronic gadget.

rock on



raised by wolves

Portrait photography has always been a big inspiration for me. The one who impressed me most
by his approach is Jim Goldberg. In his book Raised by Wolves he follows the lives of teenage runaways on the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco from 1985 until 1995.

Raised by Wolves
Raised by Wolves
Raised by Wolves
Raised by Wolves
The few examples I could find don't do the book justice... it is so much more than strong pictures of teenage rebellion. There are long interviews, spontanious polaroids, hand written notes and letters from the kids, photos of their posessions and their environment - you get the full picture.


new exhibition

I'm taking part in a group exhibition at Galeria CMTV / Barcelona.
it opens this thursday the 04. February and is on until the 6th of March.
these are the pieces I will exhibit... two watercolours on ancient myths and folk tales.

Invasion of New York

Girl from the Alps
watercolour on paper, 30x40cm